Monday, August 22, 2011

Love is it

This thing called love seems like a foolish game
It brings you lies distrust and tons of pain
So why do we search so hard to find
sometimes  it seems like a waste of time
They should make medicine for the heartache
because love come in so many disguises you don't know which is fake
sometimes you think your in love but your really not
but yet you stick around to give it all you've got
love often seems like a fantasy
a story not real you know make believe
so why do people want this feeling so much
is it the thought of you melting with every touch
or is it the thought of you having someone to call your own
or is it it the thought of love turning your house into a home
If that's the case why do love come with a price
why cant it go smoothly you know real nice
but I guess it have to rain to see the sunshine
and i guess you would have to have love to understand that thin line
so I ask myself love is it? love is it?
It is love and I'm living it

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